2015 the Year of More and Less.
Since 2013, I’ve named the years. They’ve been “The Year of Taking More Risks, Having More Fun and Expanding Cultural Horizons” (2013); “The Year of Celebration, Exploration and Adventure (2014). 2015 is “The Year of More and Less”.
Here’s my beginning list. I don’t make resolutions, but want 2015 to be “more” of certain attitudes and behaviours and “less” of others. What about you? Do you have suggestions to add to the list?
Summit Park Garry Oak meadow. December 2014.
more compassion; less judgement
more joy; less worry
more action; less talk
more face-to-face; less screen time
more fruit and veggies; less sugar
more exercise; less sitting
more time in nature; less time in-doors
more patience; less irritability
more faith; less doubt
more unknown; less familiar
more chance; less certainty
more serendipity; less planning
more planning; less aimlessness
more freedom; less expectation
more ease; less striving
more authenticity; less role-playing
more creation; less consumption
more help; less hinder
more discovery; less known
more beauty; less ugliness
more reason; less rant
more slow; less haste
more appreciation; less taken-for-granted
more whimsy; less practical
more practical; less extravagant
more thrifty; less wasteful
more exuberant; less staid
more hand-made; less store-bought
more local; less big-box
I like this list and the idea of adjusting the dials to get to the life/lifestyle you crave. For me, I’d add “more road/less rage.”