Join the team from Five Hole for Food (FHFF), this Friday July 19th at Saanich Plaza from 2 to 6pm, as they play Canada’s favourite pastime – road hockey - and raise donations of food and cash for Victoria’s Mustard Seed Food Bank. I first became aware of Five Hole for Food, founded in Vancouver in 2010, through my online social media connections, and am happy to lend my support to their ongoing efforts to raise awareness of, and support … [Read more...]
Five Hole For Food Victoria – help the Mustard Seed Food Bank – Friday July 19th 2013
Open Cinema hosts: “Play Again” – November 7th, 2012

Open Cinema hosts the thought-provoking and gently funny documentary PLAY AGAIN Wednesday November 7th, in partnership with the Habitat Acquistion Trust, and asks the question – “What are the consequences of a childhood removed from Nature?” As a child, growing up on the wild west coast of Vancouver Island in the 1960s and early 1970s, I spent hours exploring the woods and beaches surrounding my community. It wasn’t unusual for me … [Read more...]
Social Media Camp Victoria 2011 #smcv11

It's a week later and I'm still processing Social Media Camp 2011, #SMCV11, held at the Victoria Conference Centre on June 3rd and 4th. Exhilarating, sharing, connecting, community, fun, generosity, gratitude - these are a few of the words that come to mind when trying to explain my experiences for outsiders. When we live in the "social media bubble" we forget, at times, that there are people who do not know what a blog is, let alone social … [Read more...]
#yyj Twitter #Fooddrive Results & Update
Saturday December 4th saw the Victoria BC #yyj Twitter community join together in support of the Mustard Seed and Westshore Food Banks. Rocky Mountain Soap, Fiber Options and Jamtots agreed to be our drop off spots. Thanks to Scott McDonald (aka @FootButterGuy) of Rocky Mountain Soap for the updates for Victoria proper(Megan from Fiber Options – now EcoEverythingBC – took the donations from her store to Scott). There was a total of $146 … [Read more...]
Community Engagement – Talk at #smcv10 Social Media Camp, Victoria BC October 3 2010

I had the opportunity recently to speak at Social Media Camp #smcv10 in Victoria BC. Social Media Camp is the brain child of Paul Holmes, Idea Zone, and Chris Burdge, B West Interactive. I've known Paul and Chris since early 2009, ever since getting involved in Victoria's social media scene. Paul is the co-founder (with Catherine Novak) of Social Media Club Victoria, the first Canadian chapter of the much largerSocial Media Club. Chris is a … [Read more...]
Building A Brand, Lessons Learned From Twestival Victoria
Building a Brand In April 2010 I was invited to present at BC Social Media Summit, organized by Rob Cooper as a fundraiser for his participation in The Ride To Conquer Cancer. Here are the slides from my presentation "Building a Brand, Lessons Learned from Twestival Victoria". Thanks for the opportunity Rob! Building a Brand … [Read more...]
#yyj Twitter #fooddrive
Next Saturday December 5th from 10am – 4pm we are calling on the power of the local Victoria BC #yyj Twitter community to fill the coffers for the region’s food banks. After Twestival Victoria, several local twitterers were wondering what we could do for a charity event in Victoria leading up to the Christmas holiday season. The challenge – most of us are already busy people with businesses, families and other volunteer commitments. Then, … [Read more...]
#victoriatweetup my 6th month Twitterversary
Today is my sixth month Twitter anniversary! Appropriately, it was also the morning of our regular #victoriatweetup. I remember being introduced to Twitter and thinking “this isn’t for me, it’s just another time waster”. Then, I went to a business breakfast where we discussed social media. One of the participants@Susan_Low mentioned that twitterers in Victoria were actually meeting face to face at spontaneous tweetups. Something went … [Read more...]