Disclaimers first:
I am not a reviewer, but I do see a lot of theatre – almost 30 shows at last year’s Victoria Fringe Festival. During the year I volunteer regularly with Atomic Vaudeville, Intrepid Theatre, The Canadian College of Performing Arts, Blue Bridge Repertory Theatre, and Theatre SKAM. I attend the Belfry, Theatre Inconnu and the Phoenix Theatre at Uvic too. My son is a performer.
I have either seen these performers in previous shows, or been intrigued by reviews from other Fringe festivals, or their performances at the Fringe Preview. Based on this, I’m planning to attend their shows at this year’s Fringe.
My picks are as listed on the Victoria Fringe Festival website. Caveat emptor. Happy fringing!!

Venue 1: Downtown Community Activity Centre (755 Pandora)
Die Roten Punkte: Featuring the talents of German punk rockers via Australia, Astrid and Otto Rot. Hilarious. Unique. A must see. Get to an early show. They will sell out. Guaranteed.
Venue 3: Victoria Conservatory of Music, Wood Hall (907 Pandora)
Unequal Harvest: Based on the snippet performed at the Fringe Preview, I’ll be attending this earnest effort at humanizing hunger and the Canadian food bank system.
SHOSHINZ presents: A Day in the Life of Miss Hiccup: Solo physical comedy, dance and music. Miss Hiccup (Yanomi) had the audience in stitches at the Fringe preview. Infinityliveproductions.com
Venue 4: St Andrew’s School Gym (1002 Pandora)
The Genghis Khan Guide to Etiquette: by Rob Gee, creator of last year’s Fringe sell-out “Fruitcake”. Comedy and spoken word. Fast paced. Sure to sell out again. Get tickets early.
Venue 8: Studio 16 ½ (16 ½ Fan Tan Alley)
The Human Body Project. One woman, Tasha Diamant, naked, unscripted. Vulnerable. Human. How could I not go? Humanbodyproject.com
Venue 11: St Ann’s Academy (835 Humboldt)
Gunpowder and Celebrity Cult, by Jayson McDonald, creator of Fringe hits “Giant Invisible Robot”, “Boat Load” and “Fall Fair”. A must see. One man onstage, sans props, capable of creating it all for your mind’s eye. His shows sell out so don’t be disappointed. Suitable for some kids. Check Fringe guide.
Venue 12: Fairfield Hall (1303 Fairfield)
Lucky 9 by TJ Dawe, a Fringe legend. Autobiographical monologue. Truly the current granddaddy of Fringe performers despite his young age. Will sell out from opening night on! Get there early. tjdawe.com
Venue 15: Little Fernwood Hall (1923 Fernwood)
Fear of a Brown Planet by Nile Séguin. Comedic monologue. Definitely not PC. Has his audiences in stitches at the absurdity of modern life. Will sell out!Nileseguin.com
Venue 16: University Canada West (950 Kings Rd)
jem rolls: ONE MAN RIOT Another Fringe veteran, poet and spoken word artist Jem Rolls. Brilliant, mind boggling word artistry. Be alert if you’re going to his show – it demands your full attention.
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