Today was the day! After 18 months of training which included 7500kms of riding, 14 centuries, and 25 trips up to the Observatory, Frans Jonker@fransjonker left on his solo unsupported 4 day, 525 km ride from Victoria to Port Hardy. The Road to Port Hardy is a fund raiser for the BC Cancer Foundation.
Before he’d even left the house Frans had a message from CHEK News that they would be at the launch of the ride at 7:30am Mile Zero, Victoria, BC.

Imagine his surprise to find not only his family (his 2 year old nephew definitely stole the show), but also work mates, a friend from high school (home on vacation from England where he now lives), sponsors Power for Life Coachingand Rocky Mountain Soap, and many members of the Victoria Twitter community.
There were cameras a-plenty; Greg Aspa and John Roberts are professional photographers, Frans’ brother is a very talented amateur, and Chris Loran brought his video equipment too.
Thanks to Twitterers Yukari Peerless @yukarip, Scott McDonald@footbutterguy, Scott Garman @ScottGarman, Greg Aspa @AspaPhoto, John Roberts @jrphotographybc, Kirsten Loran @FrogStarWorldB, Chris Loran@ChrisTheRoadie, and CHEK News @CHEK_News for joining Frans at the beginning of his epic journey.
Thanks to family, friends, sponsors and media for their support!
Frans starts his ride having raised $5000, half of his $10,000 goal. All monies raised stay on Vancouver Island for the care of cancer patients and their families, and to support research by the BC Cancer Agency.
If cancer has touched your life, please consider a donation.
Follow Frans on The Road to Port Hardy Twitter and Facebook and share his updates widely.
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