Welcome back dear readers

Welcome back. Hello after almost five years, a pandemic and many changes.  When I retired in the fall of 2018 and we moved to Campbell River, I made a promise to focus on my writing. And I have. I joined a local writers group and then, when the pandemic triggered lockdowns, an email from Karen Lee Pickett of Fernwood Writers enticed me to join the community of the New York Writers Coalition.  Since that time, I’ve participated in numerous write-ins, online workshops and events.  The writing community offers many opportunities on social media as well – in Facebook groups, on X, Mastodon, Bluesky and Instagram.  Encouraged by my local writers group, and the numerous magazines that started during the pandemic – they number in the hundreds – I began to submit my writing for publication.

I have been very fortunate to have stories, creative non-fiction, flash and poetry published since then, and although my writing CV does not have the heft of some writers, I believe in slow incremental improvement and keep plugging away, writing, submitting and working to perfect my craft.

This website needs revamping but rather than worry about making it perfect, I will begin here.  There is a “subscribe” button for people who would like to know when I post something new.

Aside from writing, I have been actively involved with Greenways Land Trust in restoration activities in the greenspaces and waterways of the area, and in Likwala language learning.

Stay tuned for more frequent updates.

a number of chapbooks and literary journals among them Paddler Press, Island Writer, Van Isle Poetry Collective, Pocket Lint and Splendor of Wings, a League of Canadian Poets chapbook.

About @lacouvee

Community Builder. Catalyst. Speaker. Writer. Arts Advocate.

Passionate about bridging online and offline communities to effect positive change.

I truly believe that one person can make a difference and that we all have our own lives to live, creatively, while respecting the unique nature of others.

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