FREE Community Recycling Events on Vancouver Island April May 2014

FREE Community Recycling Events on Vancouver Island April May 2014.

I’m a long-time supporter of recycling (and composting) and was an original dumpster-diver at the University of Victoria when the first paper recycling program was being established over 40 years ago.  I’ve written about my soft plastic recycling efforts–Beyond the Blue Box, Take Recycling to the Next Level. 

Island Return-It depots have organized FREE community Recycling Events in April and May–in Victoria April 18th and 19th, South Cowichan April 26th and 27th, Port Alberni May 9th and 10th and Campbell River May 17th and 18th.  It’s the ideal opportunity to recycle your small electronics, cell phones, light bulbs, small appliances, batteries, paint products, clothes, books, outdoor power equipment and power tools. Small quantities of cardboard, glass and steel and scrap metal will also be accepted.

So often, these items end up in the trash or even dumped on the side of the road. Take advantage of these free events, and do some spring cleaning at the same time.

Return It Recycling event 2014


About @lacouvee

Community Builder. Catalyst. Speaker. Writer. Arts Advocate.

Passionate about bridging online and offline communities to effect positive change.

I truly believe that one person can make a difference and that we all have our own lives to live, creatively, while respecting the unique nature of others.

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