When Executive Chef Kamal Silva was appointed to the Fairmont Empress Hotel, one of his very first decisions was to establish honey bee hives in the garden. (You can read more about the arrival of the Queen Bee in May 2011 here) Fairmont Empress Executive Chef, Kamal Silva, and Director of Food and Beverage, Nathan Pearce Now, a little over a year later, the bees have produced thousands of pounds of honey, and Chef Silva is incorporating it … [Read more...]
Royal Tea at the Fairmont Empress to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee
Congratulations on Your Move Cabin 12!

Congratulations to the team at Cabin 12 Restaurant on a successful move from the downtown core to a new location at 3111 Cedar Hill Rd (home to the former La Collina, Fresh Bistro/Bakery, and Sliders). The history of Cabin 12 @Cabin12Victoria and the morning Victoriatweetup and social media "scene" in Victoria are closely inter-twined. Corey Judd started his popular downtown Victoria eatery in early 2009, leveraging Facebook for venture … [Read more...]
Social Media and Friendship
From Flickr: Photo of Raul Pacheco (aka Hummingbird604) and Janis La Couvée at WordCampVictoria May 2010 Whenever people ask me about the return on investment (ROI) of social media, particularly as it pertains to me personally, I'm left at a loss for words. I've had individuals say "I'm not looking to expand my social circles, so social media is a waste of time for me". Fair enough! That was not my case. Widowed in 2001, with children … [Read more...]
#ReadUp Tweetup for Family Literacy Day

A huge thank you to Drew and Kate of Tall Tales Books for hosting the #Read Up Tweetup for Family Literacy Day in their store on Saturday January 29th. What is Family Literacy Day? Here's information from the ABC Life Literacy Canada website: "Family Literacy Day is a national awareness initiative created by ABC Life Literacy Canada in 1999 and held annually on January 27. This special day promotes the importance of reading and … [Read more...]
Social Media Year in Review – September 2010 Victoria BC
WestShore coffee tweetups gained momentum in September and have continued since, usually every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month. We've been meeting at Mirage Coffee on Goldstream but may need to move soon as the group keeps growing. Search for the words "Westshore coffee #victoriatweetup". Regulars include: @Growlies @CrisVleck @brandscaping @Chris_Synesael @DrMarkWagner @psbdelegation @westcoast_dave @chiatweet @StyleRunner @Ahkonsu … [Read more...]
Victoria Tweetups Aug 9 – 15th 2010
It's a busy week in Victoria, BC for tweetups. There are simply too many to mention in a single tweet. Wednesday August 11th noon join Dan Parks @cpudan and Sean Dhillon@I_lend_Money for the weekly 4Square High Noon Hump Day Tweetup. This week the group meets at Ric's Grill 910 Government Street. If you are a fan of mobile apps, FourSquare and the rest - this group is for you. Thursday August 12th 8am join Janis La … [Read more...]
#victoriatweetup my 6th month Twitterversary
Today is my sixth month Twitter anniversary! Appropriately, it was also the morning of our regular #victoriatweetup. I remember being introduced to Twitter and thinking “this isn’t for me, it’s just another time waster”. Then, I went to a business breakfast where we discussed social media. One of the participants@Susan_Low mentioned that twitterers in Victoria were actually meeting face to face at spontaneous tweetups. Something went … [Read more...]