Saturday December 4th saw the Victoria BC #yyj Twitter community join together in support of the Mustard Seed and Westshore Food Banks. Rocky Mountain Soap, Fiber Options and Jamtots agreed to be our drop off spots. Thanks to Scott McDonald (aka @FootButterGuy) of Rocky Mountain Soap for the updates for Victoria proper(Megan from Fiber Options – now EcoEverythingBC – took the donations from her store to Scott). There was a total of $146 … [Read more...]
#yyj Twitter #Fooddrive Results & Update
Pecha Kucha Night 4 Victoria BC, Generational Knowledge Transfer

Here’s the presentation that Jaryd Zinkewich and I did at Pecha Kucha Night 4, Victoria BC, November 25 2010. From our Pecha Kucha introduction: “Jaryd Zinkewich and Janis La Couvée originally met through Twitter and Social Media Club, and discovered, despite several decades of age difference, that they shared many of the same values and ideas concerning community, connection and engagement. They worked together on Twestival … [Read more...]
Community Engagement – Talk at #smcv10 Social Media Camp, Victoria BC October 3 2010

I had the opportunity recently to speak at Social Media Camp #smcv10 in Victoria BC. Social Media Camp is the brain child of Paul Holmes, Idea Zone, and Chris Burdge, B West Interactive. I've known Paul and Chris since early 2009, ever since getting involved in Victoria's social media scene. Paul is the co-founder (with Catherine Novak) of Social Media Club Victoria, the first Canadian chapter of the much largerSocial Media Club. Chris is a … [Read more...]
Official Launch of The Road to Port Hardy

Today was the day! After 18 months of training which included 7500kms of riding, 14 centuries, and 25 trips up to the Observatory, Frans Jonker@fransjonker left on his solo unsupported 4 day, 525 km ride from Victoria to Port Hardy. The Road to Port Hardy is a fund raiser for the BC Cancer Foundation. Before he'd even left the house Frans had a message from CHEK News that they would be at the launch of the ride at 7:30am Mile Zero, Victoria, … [Read more...]
Victoria Tweetups Aug 9 – 15th 2010
It's a busy week in Victoria, BC for tweetups. There are simply too many to mention in a single tweet. Wednesday August 11th noon join Dan Parks @cpudan and Sean Dhillon@I_lend_Money for the weekly 4Square High Noon Hump Day Tweetup. This week the group meets at Ric's Grill 910 Government Street. If you are a fan of mobile apps, FourSquare and the rest - this group is for you. Thursday August 12th 8am join Janis La … [Read more...]
Road to Port Hardy Silent Auction, Qualicum Beach

Qualicum Beach realtor Marc La Couvée and Sharyn from the Crown Mansion have organized a silent auction in support of The Road to Port Hardy by Frans Jonker@fransjonker August 16th - 19th. Frans' 525 km solo unsupported ride from Victoria to Port Hardy is a fundraiser for the BC Cancer Foundation. All monies raised remain on Vancouver Island, for the care of cancer patients and their families, as well as to support research. The Crown Mansion … [Read more...]
International Free Hugs Day July 3 2010 Victoria BC

All photos Carol Aileen, used with permission It all started on Twitter, doesn’t it always? Alex Yates @Lunacee tweeted about International Free Hugs Day, and before you could blink we had a Facebook event and people committed to attending in front of the Visitors Information Bureau on the Inner Harbour, Saturday July 3rd 2010. International Free Hugs Day was the inspiration of Juan Mann (a pseudonym) an Australian, in 2004. The hugs were … [Read more...]
Building A Brand, Lessons Learned From Twestival Victoria
Building a Brand In April 2010 I was invited to present at BC Social Media Summit, organized by Rob Cooper as a fundraiser for his participation in The Ride To Conquer Cancer. Here are the slides from my presentation "Building a Brand, Lessons Learned from Twestival Victoria". Thanks for the opportunity Rob! Building a Brand … [Read more...]
#yyj Twitter #Fooddrive Results & Update
Saturday December 4th saw the Victoria BC #yyj Twitter community join together in support of the Mustard Seed and Westshore Food Banks. Rocky Mountain Soap, Fiber Options and Jamtots agreed to be our drop off spots. Thanks to Scott McDonald (aka @FootButterGuy) of Rocky Mountain Soap for the updates for Victoria proper(Megan from Fiber Options – now EcoEverythingBC – took the donations from her store to Scott). There was a total of $146 … [Read more...]
#yyj Twitter #fooddrive
Next Saturday December 5th from 10am – 4pm we are calling on the power of the local Victoria BC #yyj Twitter community to fill the coffers for the region’s food banks. After Twestival Victoria, several local twitterers were wondering what we could do for a charity event in Victoria leading up to the Christmas holiday season. The challenge – most of us are already busy people with businesses, families and other volunteer commitments. Then, … [Read more...]