Theatrical Double Bill – The Lesson, and Essay.

“A Theatrical Double Bill” (Ionesco’s The Lesson and Essay by Hannah Moscovitch) marks the first, in what Victoria audiences can only hope will be further, collaboration between Eric Grace (Dandelion Theatre) and Julian Cervello (Scrumpy Theatre). The partners are actors familiar for their roles with the Greater Victoria Shakespeare Festival, Theatre Inconnu, and the Victoria Fringe Festival.  When Grace decided to mount The Lesson, he was … [Read more...]

Little One, Belfry Theatre SPARK Festival 2013

They’re the neighbours next door and they have terrible, dark and disturbing secrets to hide and to share in Hannah Moscovitch’s psychological thriller, Little One, (currently at the Belfry Theatre’s SPARK Festival). With a creep factor tuned to high, and disorienting sound and visual effects to keep the audience off-kilter, Little One is as far from comfortable as I am willing to accept. Michelle Monteith in Little One. Photo: Natasha … [Read more...]

One, Belfry Theatre SPARK Festival 2013

Words fail to do justice to the artistry and precision, the beauty in motion that is Ghost River Theatre’s production of One, currently at the Belfry Theatre’s SPARK Festival. Writ large with an immense physicality that stretches to every corner of the Belfry stage; painting an enormous artistic vision with sound, light and bodies, this atmospheric tale encompasses the beginning of the world, and the awakening of love; soars to the heavens, … [Read more...]

You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown at UVic’s Phoenix Theatre – a review

Jewel tones pop and cartoon characters come to life in You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown at the University of Victoria Phoenix Theatre (March 14-23rd). Full of high energy from the opening number to the close, this show has heart and cross-generational appeal. Audiences will easily recognize episodes from the comic strip Peanuts: Charlie Brown longing to meet the little red-headed girl, the kite-eating tree, Snoopy as a World War I fighting … [Read more...]

A Brimful of Asha – Belfry Theatre SPARK Festival 2013

It’s a different experience, being welcomed onstage to meet performers Asha and Ravi Jain, the mother and son team behind A Brimful of Asha (currently at the Belfry Theatre’s SPARK Festival).  The audience is treated to samosas (very tasty) and invited to take a seat.  We’re now members of an extended family, here to help solve a dispute, or, at the very least, hear about it. East/West, old world/new world/, parent/child, young/old – at some … [Read more...]

A Place to Listen 6 – March 20th, 2013

I've had the great pleasure of attending several of Daniel Brandes' A Place to Listen concerts.  It's time well spent, focusing on sound and silence, in the intimate venue of James Bay United.  Time seems to evaporate, and I leave with a lasting impression of calm. If you too are willing to "stay awhile" I would recommend experiencing this concert series. For its 6th program, A Place to Listen presents the world premiere of other echoes inhabit … [Read more...]

Oh My Irma – Belfry Theatre SPARK Festival 2013

From the opening freeze-frames, Oh My Irma (Belfry Theatre SPARK Festival) captures our attention, and invites us to become complicit witnesses in this crazy, quirky, dark and disturbed adventure that is the life of Mission Bird (Haley McGee). It’s a bit of a shock after the rather soothing tones of faintly Hawaiian slack guitar in the intro. Haley McGee. Photo: Jesse Griffiths Mission Bird, in the best tradition of plucky, courageous … [Read more...]

The 39 Steps at Langham Court Theatre – a review

If you’re a fan of Alfred Hitchcock and physical comedy, then the fast-paced, witty and irreverent retelling of The 39 Steps, currently at Langham Court Theatre (until March 23rd) is sure to appeal. Written in 2005 by Patrick Barlow as an adaptation of Hitchcock’s classic thriller (itself adapted from the 1910 novel by John Buchan) it is a veritable tour-de-force for the small group of four actors who play over 100 roles between them. Only … [Read more...]

The Voyage of the Forest Dream and The Amethyst Incident, fundraiser for Theatre Inconnu and the Maritime Museum of BC

If you have a love of old sea-tales, here's a fundraiser that will be of interest - just in time for spring break. The Forest Dream, under sail. The Maritime Museum of BC and Theatre Inconnu present: The Voyage of the Forest Dream and The Amethyst Incident: Dramatic readings of two maritime adventures. A joint fundraising event for The MaritimeMuseum and Theatre Inconnu. The Voyage … [Read more...]

SPARK Festival 2013 at the Belfry Theatre

Victorians are fortunate to have a lively, varied and very active performing arts community. A yearly highlight is the Belfry Theatre’s SPARK Festival (March 11th – 24th) of new plays and new ideas. This year there are more than 40 free events and five big shows during the festival - truly something for everyone. Highlights include: A Brimful of Asha - Real-life mother and son, Asha and Ravi Jain, each defend their side of this true (and … [Read more...]