A Queer Trial by Dr Jennifer Wise. April 13-14 2017 in Bastion Square, Victoria BC. I don’t miss much when it comes to local theatre, but regrettably and unavoidably, I did miss theatre historian Dr. Jennifer Wise’s last production, the historical play Girl Rabbi of the Golden West, staged for the 150th anniversary of Congregation Emanu-El in 2013. When a note was posted to a local Facebook group informing students in the UVic Theatre … [Read more...]
A Queer Trial by Dr Jennifer Wise. April 13-14 2017 in Bastion Square, Victoria BC.
The Pansy Craze by Avery Brennan an Intrepid Theatre YOU Show April 1, 2017. Preview.
The Pansy Craze by Avery Brennan an Intrepid Theatre YOU Show April 1, 2017. Preview. Avery Brennan has been extremely busy since graduating from the Canadian College of Performing Arts Year III program—Company C—in late 2013. As the artistic director intern at the college, he was the music director for Cities and Girls (February 2015), the assistant director for Smoky Joe’s Cabaret (April 2015) and helped début the Alumni Company, writing and … [Read more...]
Ruddigore by Company C, the Canadian College of Performing Arts, January 27-February 4, 2017. A review.
Ruddigore by Company C, the Canadian College of Performing Arts, January 27-February 4, 2017. A review. Ruddigore has it all—a sweet young thing abandoned at birth (Rose Maybud--Charlotte Thompson) , her swain—noble and true (Robin Oakwood—Forrest Elliot), an ancient curse, a traitorous foster brother (Richard (Dick) Dauntless—Derry Oshust), a maiden aunt (Dame Hannah-Victoria Stolting), a dastardly baronet (Despard Murgatrody-Devin Arams), a … [Read more...]
Black History Month 2017 in Victoria BC.
Black History Month 2017 in Victoria BC. Black History Month continues to grow from strength to strength in Victoria BC with organizations like the BC Black History Awareness Society, the Victoria African & Caribbean Cultural Society (VACCS), and the African Heritage Association of Vancouver Island (AHAVI)--together with partners Greater Victoria Public Library, Belfry Theatre, Intrepid Theatre, UVic Legacy Gallery, Garth Homer Centre, … [Read more...]
Early Music Society of the Islands presents Mozart and Le Mozart Noir February 5 2017. Preview.
Early Music Society of the Islands presents Mozart and Le Mozart Noir February 5 2017. Preview. (Media Release) Celebrating Black History Month, EMSI rediscovers works by Chevalier de Saint-Georges: The first star classical composer of African ancestry Victoria, BC – Early Music Society of the Islands (EMSI) embarks on another Northwest Baroque Masterworks project in collaboration with the Pacific Baroque Orchestra (PBO), the Seattle … [Read more...]
Ruddigore, presented by CCPA’s Company C, Jan 27-Feb 4, 2017. Interview with Glynis Leyshon.
Ruddigore, presented by CCPA’s Company C, Jan 27-Feb 4, 2017. Interview with Glynis Leyshon. The sounds of bodhran, bagpipes and violin will join with keyboard, piano and guitar under the musical leadership of Heather Burns for the final production of CCPA’s Company C Studio Ensemble in Ruddigore, directed by the acclaimed, award-winning director Glynis Leyshon. This is Leyshon’s third foray with the students of the Canadian College of … [Read more...]
This Little Light at the Belfry Theatre December 10-23, 2016. A review.
This Little Light at the Belfry Theatre December 10-23, 2016. A review. As darkness closes in and the season wends its way slowly to the longest night, everyone needs a little light in their world as a sign of hope and a reminder of day slowly returning. Community draws closer to the flame—together. The Little Match Girl, a Danish folk tale by Hans Christian Andersen, is as topical in 2016 as it was originally in 1845, in Erin Macklem and … [Read more...]
Shockheaded Peter at Theatre Inconnu November 30-December 17 2016 a review.
Shockheaded Peter at Theatre Inconnu November 30-December 17 2016 a review. If the idea of one more “holiday special” makes you unhinged, if you’re ready to shout “bah humbug” to the world--then the macabre, bizarre, perverse stylings of Theatre Inconnu’s Shockheaded Peter (on until December 17th) are for you. Prepare to cackle gleefully as disappointed parents dispatch their progeny with wild abandon and young children meet with a series of … [Read more...]
I Think I’m Fallin’–The Songs of Joni Mitchell at the Belfry Theatre November 8-December 4, 2016. A Review.
I Think I’m Fallin’--The Songs of Joni Mitchell at the Belfry Theatre November 8-December 4, 2016. A Review. A dark and sombre mood hangs in the air—it’s November, season of grey skies and rain; south- of-the-border politics infiltrate every discussion, Remembrance Day is around the corner and, Leonard Cohen, troubadour to a nation, has just died. It falls to the artists of I Think I’m Fallin’ to lift the audience out of a collective … [Read more...]
Alice’s Gift by Elisabeth Wagner, November 3-12, 2016. A review.
Alice’s Gift by Elisabeth Wagner, November 3-12, 2016. A review. Taking 110 years of a person’s life and distilling them into a fascinating solo show complete with musical interludes is a daunting task—one that Elisabeth Wagner has accomplished with quiet flair and brio. Alice Herz-Sommer, who passed away in 2014, was the world’s oldest Holocaust survivor—an accomplished concert pianist who survived Theresienstadt concentration camp with … [Read more...]