CCPA's Company C presents Lend Me A Tenor October 4-6th 2013. I’ve had a close connection with the Canadian College of Performing Arts, now celebrating their Sweet 16 season, since my son, Elliott Loran (Ride the Cyclone, Pretty Little Instincts) attended and graduated in 2007. For me personally, one of the highlights is watching a new generation of theatre artist make the transition from student to professional. One way to accomplish this … [Read more...]
The Odd Couple by Island Repertory Company – a review
After a two year absence, Island Repertory Company returns to the Metro Studio Theatre with Neil Simon’s classic Tony-award winning play, The Odd Couple, starring Howie Siegel as Oscar and Eric Holmgren as Felix. With a mandate and reputation for hard-hitting, well produced and entertaining theatre (The Boys in the Band (2010), Glengarry Glen Ross (2011)), artistic director Dick Stille has assembled a cast of some of Victoria’s finest comic … [Read more...]
Goodnight Desdemona, Good Morning Juliet at Belfry Theatre – a review
I remember sitting in the left balcony of the Belfry Theatre, 21 years ago this fall, for Ann-Marie MacDonald’s Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet), and laughing myself silly. Daniela Vlaskalic (as Constance Ledbelly) / Photos by David Cooper The swish and swirl onstage, coupled with wonderful parries and thrusts, and great bursts of bravado, cloaked in rhythmic language, simply charmed me. When Michael Shamata, artistic director, … [Read more...]
Act Two – a fundraiser for Gotta Getta Gimmick – September 28 2013
Act Two ~ a Musical Theatre Fundraiser and Party In support of Gotta Getta Gimmick Isn't it appropriate that Victoria's musical theatre company, Gotta Getta Gimmick, has scheduled a fundraiser/party for Culture Days? I got to know co-founders Brad L'Ecuyer and Clayton Baraniuk when my son attended the Canadian College of Performing Arts (they are both grads). He then went on to perform in their summer Butchart Garden shows. Since 2011 they … [Read more...]
A Fall of Theatre in Victoria BC 2013
A Fall of Theatre in Victoria BC 2013. November 26, 2013. Click for late November December shows. Fall has arrived, and one of the busiest theatre seasons in my recent memory begins. There are 17 shows (at last count) running in October alone. Rather than keep you waiting, I've decided to publish this post in preliminary fashion with dates up to the end of October. I'll add November and December shortly. We barely had a chance to … [Read more...]
Vancouver Fringe 2013 – suggestions (mostly) from the Victoria Fringe
Vancouver Fringe Festival 2013 suggestions (mostly) from the Victoria Fringe It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say I’m a bit of a Fringe fanatic – over the years since I got back in to fringing, I’ve gone from seeing a handful of shows to 33 shows at this year’s Victoria Fringe Festival. Here are my recommendations for shows that were in Victoria this year (or last), either at the Fringe Festival, Intrepid Theatre’s UNO Fest, or the Belfry … [Read more...]
University Centre Farquhar Auditorium 2013 2014 Season
The University Centre Farquhar Auditorium presents an exciting line-up for the 2013-14 season. “We’re pleased to announce our 2013-14 season,” said Ian Case, Director of the University Centre Farquhar Auditorium. “We’re offering a world-class lineup of performances, bringing both top rated Canadian and internationally renowned artists to the Farquhar Auditorium.” The 2013-14 line-up includes presentations of Canadian singer songwriter Ron … [Read more...]
Victoria Fringe Festival 2013 – my “away” picks
I'm a bit of a Fringe fanatic, seeing between 30 and 40 shows in any given year. For my "away" picks, I rely heavily on research, knowledge of past performances, and a network of fellow-Fringers (including Ottawa's Brian M Carroll who has greatly informed this year's picks). As always though, I encourage you to step outside your comfort zone, and take chances on shows you might not normally see - don't depend only on my picks; my tastes might … [Read more...]
Victoria Fringe Festival 2013 – my “local” picks
When it comes to the Victoria Fringe, I’m a mere baby fringer. It wasn’t until the 20th anniversary in 2006 that I really got involved in this two week long festival of alternative live performance. I love the buzz, and hanging out with fellow volunteers, performers and like-minded “fringe addicts”. I see between 30 and 40 shows at the Victoria Fringe, and another 50 – 60 shows during the year. Here are my “local” picks based on performances … [Read more...]
Theatre SKAM presents Smalltown A Pickup Musical August 13 – 25 2013. A review.
Theatre SKAM presents Smalltown A Pickup Musical, August 13 -25, 2013. If you grew up watching the antics of Rocky, Bullwinkle, Boris and Natasha on Saturday morning cartoons, or flickering silent films where the dastardly moustache-twirling villain tied pretty heroines to train tracks, you’ll feel right at home with the broad-brushed characters in Theatre SKAM’s Smalltown: A Pickup Musical (playing to August 25th in the Vic High field by the … [Read more...]